Dishes from Around the World

Dishes from Around the World

Hamburgers (America) 

 Burgers! Burgers! Burgers! Everyone loves burgers! The juicy explosion along with the creamy and melty cheese just is a something is hard to recreate with anything else! There are so many ways to make a burger! You can have them thick; you can have them thin; you can even have them by themselves! A hamburger is whatever and however you want it! 

Different Types

Burgers can be made anyway you want, just be creative with it! You can smash them until they are as flat as a piece of paper, also known as a smash burger! You can keep them thicker and cook them to whatever temperature you want, as long as you are being safe and getting your beef from a trusted source! It doesn't have to be beef! It can be pork, chicken, lamb, even vegetables! Some of the most common types of burgers are smash burgers, Oklahoma smash burgers, Juicy Lucy, or just traditional hamburgers.


Burgers can be whatever you want them to be! There is no stopping you if you want to put something crazy on your burger! Put avocado, sardines, honey, anything you w
ant! It is always personal preference, and don't let anyone yuck your yum! My personal favorite to do with burgers is smashed with caramelized onions; I like kick with mine, so I add jalapeños to flare up it up! Cheese is another thing; add whatever cheese you want! Pepperjack, Swiss, Cheddar, American, Gouda, anything your little heart (or stomach) desires!


The internet has hundreds and thousands of different recipes for any burger you want! If you type up the word "Burger" you will find so much along with places that serve burgers.
Hopefully you will become creative next time you want to have a burger, maybe add something new? You never know what you could like.


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