Dishes from Around the World

 Dishes from Around the World

Sushi (Japanese)

Sushi is one of my favorite dishes in the whole world! The vibrant colors, the tasty combinations of flavors, the delicacy and careful handling is what makes sushi so appetizing. Sushi is a roll of seaweed usually filled with rice and whatever else you would like, most commonly fish or a different protein along with vegetables or fruit. My personal favorite sushi roll is a fried sushi roll with avocado, crab, and jalapenos. 

Creativity and Appearance

The sushi roll is another one of those dishes that can be experimented with. It offers you so much to combine along with giving you the chance to be creative. Some ways you can do it is by cutting it and putting caviar (fish eggs) on top or with a vegetable garnish like cucumber or carrots. A roll of sushi should always be packed tight, and each cut should be about an inch in thickness, any bigger and you will have a hard time fitting it all in your mouth at once. 


I have made sushi only a few times in my life but learn a lot from YouTube videos and sources beyond that. The first step is to cook the rice; I like to use sushi rice when making my sushi, to me it seems the best to use along with a better flavor profile, but any rice that won't stick to itself will do just fine. Next, I like to somewhat dry my rice, but not to dry. When assembling the sushi roll, always have a bowl of water with you so that the rice doesn't stick to your hands along with the seaweed. After you lay out a layer of rice onto the seaweed, you then just add whatever you would like to it. Once that is done, you roll it up tightly and cut into one-inch-thick strips and plate with optional garnish.


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