Dishes From Around the World

 Dishes From Around the World

Soup Dumplings (Asian)

Soup dumplings are one of those foods where they are so delicious but also very risky at the same time. If you eat them while they are still hot, be careful because, as the name suggests, the soup in the dumplings is extremely hot usually. I have had incidents where I would burn my entire mouth because of the hot soup exploding into my mouth and scalding it. I also have many friends that have scalded their mouths because of soup dumplings.


 One of the stories is a couple of my friends and I went to a local Chinese place in my town. We ordered the beef soup dumplings as a sort of appetizer for our meals. It doesn't take long for them to come in a steam basket, and you could just tell they were fresh off the steamer. So my friend had the bright idea to grab it with his bare hand and just sucks it into his mouth. Once he did that, he instantly regretted it. The super hot dumpling popped into his mouth as he sucked it into it, and lets just say, the wall was covered in the soup from the dumpling. He ended up going to the hospital with second degree burns on his tongue and the walls of his cheeks. If this story doesn't explain to you to be careful when eating them, then I don't know what to tell you. 

How to Eat Soup Dumplings

You should eat soup dumplings with a special spoon or with chopsticks. Make sure when eating the soup dumplings, you don't just eat the whole thing at once, or else you will end up like my poor friend. What you should do is take a bite of it from then top and blow on the soup from inside the dumpling, then suck the soup from the dumpling, then eat the rest. Hopefully this helps and just remember, stay safe and be careful!


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